Chains or compound behaviours are around us all the time, where one behaviour leads to another or more than one behaviour occurs at the same time, such as carrying an article and returning to you.
To compose these complex behaviour we need to understand how to teach the individual components and skills, attach unique cues and reinforcers and then compile the sequence. Our training often involves reverse engineering complex behaviours chains to maintain the required fluency. We may need to explode these chains into the smallest parts to enable our learners to gain the skills. We need to be sure the component behaviours are strong, robust, finished before the construction process. We are pulling together an orchestra, and each musician needs to be individually competent and able to work together.
Dogs are extremely good at learning patterns and we can build an amazing array of complex behaviours.
Practising chains is an individual art and an understandning of how to conduct this behaviour orchestra is essential to learn how to keep the entire process strong and fresh.
Participating with your dog
Participants for this weekend should be Training Geeks – happy to think and talk about training even when they are not training. Dogs suitable for participating should have experience of shaping and building behaviours with markers and frequent, high level reinforcement, and be comfortable working in room with other dogs. The workshop is limited to 10 participants.FULLY BOOKED for participants.
Learning by Watching
You may attend as a spectator and your dog may attend if it is comfortable resting in the car during the workshop. You are likely to learn just as much as participants without the anxieties of participating.