A weekend for all enthusiasts of sheepballs games, especially designed for those in the category “Confused by Collies”.
Saturday will focus on understanding the inherited behaviours of collies, why they do what they do, and learning how to live with them, and also teach them to be the best of themselves. Sunday will focus mostly on the games that can bring out their awesome skills. You can attend either or both days.
For collies and sheepdogs unable to fulfil their heart’s desire and work stock we have devised the next best thing with a range of games with “sheepballs” as the stand-in. No feeding necessary!
Sheepdogs have very specific working traits that are often not suited to ball chasing or tug training but will excel when allowed to express their normal behaviours. The sheepball games are able to release much of the stresses of urban living where traffic chasing, skateboards and low flying jets present daily problems.
The weekend will cover releasing and shaping the innate behaviours such as outruns, flanking, stalking and restore the balance that has been missing. Apart from serving as occupational therapy it is such enjoyment to play these games with your collie and see the light in their eyes and the pleasure in their hearts.
Pups from about 16 weeks can enjoy “lamb-balls” which are also ideal for beginners of any age. We shall also be looking at developing the more specialised skills SheepBall Challenges for dogs already enjoying the games.
This weekend is also highly recommended for anyone working with and learning about rehabilitating sheepdogs and Border Collies.
Participating with your dog
Participants for this weekend should be Training Geeks – happy to think and talk about training even when they are not training. Only collies and sheepdogs are suitable for participating should be comfortable working around other dogs. The workshop is limited to 10 participants. No previous Sheepball experience is necessary unless you are participating in the Sheepball challenges.
Learning by Watching
You may attend as a spectator and your dog may attend if it is comfortable resting in the car during the workshop. You are likely to learn just as much as participants without the anxieties of participating. Use the coupon code “watch” at the checkout for a 40% spectator discount.