Cue Seeking and Default

KEY SKILL : LEARNING ACTIVITY CUE SEEKING and DEFAULT Key Learning skill for BOTH Engineer and Learner BENEFIT TO THE DOG Detect and remember sources of rewards Maintain engagement and preparedness Remove uncertainty when situation is confusing BENEFIT TO THE ENGINEER...
Location is Their Cue

Location is Their Cue

We begin teaching the dog to go to a target, such as a mat or platform and in this process our focus is on the outcome – the dog can place feet on the object or settle down. But at the same time this learning is happening the dog is also noting the location: where this is happening in this room, in the house, relative to the food-machine (you).

About this WORKBOOK: Adding Cues

The FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE DOG Courses are centred around the dog and the natural enthusiasm they can experience from the learning process. The benefits are in the choice of what we want them to learn and the way that learning is engineered. The purpose of learning is...

Future Possibilities: Adding cues

People often get a chuckle when they see a dog understand words. Or seem to. If you have experimented with the fruit-cues, then we realise that the dog is recognising the pitch and tone of how we pronounce that word, rather than have any understanding of the...