Leading the way in innovative and effective teaching

What do you want to learn today ?

Curiosity drives


be curious

“The purpose of learning is to get more or better rewards”   Schultz

New Learning

FULL Diary for 2025:

Explore your learning options ……

Dog sleeping in sunshine
Team SheepBalls logo

Team SheepBalls® is Growing

A very BIG welcome to Al Burns of Best Border Collie Club who is now part of the Team of recommended Collie specialists.

That important first year for ALL puppies

Five Point Focus Markers
Can we do better for dogs course

£21 for 3 Month’s Access

A Unique Collection of Selected Resources

 For People with a Passion to Learn

Subscribe to YouTube

Did you know?

We are making videos;

Kay’s Classics ~ Build the Learning ~ Living with Dogs

Training is something that is done TO the dog. Learning is something that happens FOR the dog.

Setter Members

Access to The Sett community forum and live Sett Chats
Setter Library with 12 courses, over 70 lessons, covering over 150 topics 
Live Courses for Setter Members only.

Share your learning, upgrade your thinking


Learning is about making changes.

Changing your mind.
Changing the way you see dogs. 

Learn About collies and sheepdogs

A collection of resources for people sharing their lives with collies …. and perhaps a little confusion.


Sharing of connection for our dogs and horses. A browse for rainy days.

listening and learning

For the moments on the road, cleaning the house, mowing the lawn, blocking out the world.

living with dogs

We should not be trying to change dogs, but change the world in which they live …. for Every Dog Every Day. 


Reading that will lighten the day, drop some Aha! moments and build a desire to learn more. For pleasure and for sharing. 

Training with food

Rewards at the centre of training. Learn how to deliver safely, confidently and with sincerity to find the key

News on courses, articles and stuff you don't want to miss.

