Training Beyond and Above


6 lessons online COURSE over three months


(Started 12 Mar 2020)

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This course is for people who relish learning as a community with a plentiful opportunities to travel with new eyes and change the way you look at things.

We shall go Beyond and Above the standard recipes that will generate many Aha moments, engineer more questions, dissolve assumptions and challenge habits. This is not a course for replicating demonstration but identifying how to learn from demonstration, select critical points, identify skill sets, build clear task analysis, explore the concepts, adapt and apply the concepts to new conditions.

The course will expect commitment, participation and substantial effort through discussion, peer feedback, interactive activities, making and uploading video, observing and reviews of videos. Non-participation will result in limited access to the material, so please do not sign up unless you are prepared to contribute.

We shall dive deeply into the technology of training through examining:

Guidance in learning

how much guidance to offer, what type of guidance, signs that guidance reduction is necessary, when to step in and assist, when to step back and observe what learning has happened.

Shaping for accuracy

building consistent components in movement, resulting in stable micro-actions that become components to complex behaviours

Construction of chains, sequences and complex behaviours

understanding the technology within chained learning, simultaneous behaviours, how they occur and how to block unwanted chains

Learning and competency

seeking evidence of what has been learned, setting up assessment, planning, designing and measuring learning and competency

Variable rewards

employing different strategies for different effects, using varied rewards and seeking evidence of reward with appropriate arousal

Setting up for success

designing detailed, creative antecedent arrangement to ensure success

Learning and practising for skilled performance

for yourself and for your dog, the technology of how to build for fluent, consistent skilled performance


Lessons progress at 1800 (GMT/UTC) on these dates: Mar 12, 26, Apr 9, 23, May 7, 21.

STILL OPEN FOR ENROLMENT – up to Monday Mar 23rd


Setter Members 20% discount £198.40.
Inclusive to TAKL2020 as Short Course.

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