Back to Basics?

by | Nov 29, 2023

Collie puppy with text Basics is not for begnners

The word “basic” is often derided as synonymous with “shallow,” but in its origins it is the very opposite: foundational, profound, supportive.

And, of course, this makes sense: we’d never think of overlooking the importance of good foundations to a building: after all, those foundations are what give the building strength and support and protect it against the natural forces that might otherwise cause it to topple.

We might very easily analogise this to learning, despite the denigration of “the basics” in the dog business where product is often seen as more important than process: behaviour rather than skill. Yet, solid foundations support all of the other learning that will be built on top of it through the duration of the dog’s life, and will protect that learning against the challenges that might otherwise cause it to topple (the possibility of other rewards to be found elsewhere; various life stages and the complexities they bring).

Without strong basics, learning will be flimsy and fragile. A dog who has not experienced various modes of reward delivery may not trust the reward process, which may destabilise any actions or movements being asked (if the dog has not experienced Breakfast in Bed, for instance, they may choose when to terminate the movement to collect the food).

On the other hand, a dog who has learned the pleasure of being served by their human will await delivery of room service, which means that it will be easier for them to learn to extend an action. A dog who has learned to stand well can balance through different gaits, adjust muscle groups, and rebalance in a way that can protect them against injury.

All of these components can, in turn, be pared back to ever more basic elements – the skills of learning itself – which are, in essence, the bedrock of support for all that we and our dogs will build together in their training. 

Recall, for example, is not merely the act of returning to a person, but rather a chain in which the dog stops what they are doing, and returns to their person after seeking them out. Each of these elements must be taught and practised separately, and made flexible by the introduction of new contingencies, before being assembled; the idea that “recall” is merely the conditioning of a word is insulting to the level of skill and the trust in the reward process that the dog must demonstrate.

And when the components of learning are assembled, we do not end up with a “finished” behaviour: the skills on which the learning is based must be constantly assessed and refined. The basics are not, therefore, a starting point from which we begin and away from which we move. They are our home – our base – the place of which we take particular care as the place to which we will always return.

 When viewed in this way, all of the dog’s learning is a series of elements working together: these individual basic components on top of which new strata of learning have been laid.

When familiarity is stripped away we seek recognisable signposts that will take us back to comfort and security. This is survival instinct. It is worth listening to as it keeps us alive.

Key Reading

Location is Their Cue

We begin teaching the dog to go to a target, such as a mat or platform and in this process our focus is on the outcome – the dog can place feet on the object or settle down. But at the same time this learning is happening the dog is also noting the location: where this is happening in this room, in the house, relative to the food-machine (you).

A Cue or not a cue?

With thoughtful planning and a good understanding of the relevance of antecedent selection we can teach the dog the skills of sorting the wheat from the chaff, finding the bones of the exercise. This skill is critical to being able to distinguish between distractions, which are just cues for an alternative reward opportunity, and cues which signify a guarantee of success.

No room for mechanics

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50 years a student of sheepdogs

In recognition of my half-century of being a student of collies I want to celebrate their skills as masters of my learning.

Not Today and Not for My Sheepdogs

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A Family of Multiple Dogs

Another addition is not just an extra bed and bowl. It is important to build a home that is healthy, content and well-balanced.

The Spaces Between

At the heart of learner-centred education, the teacher acts as a guide whose role is to elicit rather than to impart, and learners quickly become empowered and equipped to transfer their knowledge and skills to new scenarios.

The choice of lure

Luring teaches trainers essential skills. We learn how to use suggestion and guidance to shape behaviours. We learn how to explain dynamic movement in the cues from our hands. In combination with reinforcement, luring has without doubt, been one of the skills I value most as a trainer.

Construction or suppression

Looking at the way the behaviour is carried out is the most important element, and that is the product of all the considerations.

When we train a dog it grows

Most training starts from necessity. Management is a necessity but it usually benefits all parties by a reduction of conflict. Are they expanding their skills to benefit us or for their benefit?

Top Training

Duration: sustaining movement

Continuing and maintaining a specific movement

Reasons to use a clicker

The concept of “being a clicker trainer” is always going to lead to argument and misunderstanding because it cannot exist alongside the science and technology. It is a “fakery” of our time. The clicker itself is a simple tool that when used in conjunction with technology provides clarity and understanding in teaching.

A Day of Learning

A no-training day does not mean he gets a lazy day lying idly in the sun. Learning is still happening and this is significant and important for his development.

More than words

We expect our dogs to understand the meaning of words and signals, but if you have ever worked with computers you will know that what you say doesn’t always turn into an actionable response.

Cue Seeking

Being an active learner and seeking opportunities for more rewards

Luring: Hand lures

Learning hand-lure skills, Collect the food, engage, follow, feed.

One dog watching

The other dog working
or ….how to train the spectators to quietly rest and watch whilst you work, play, teach a single member of the group

Not all lures contain food

“the direct use of the reinforcer to elicit the behaviour”
This should always be foremost in our mind, in that many alternatives lures are available.


Preparing before you train and the final check list

Obnoxious Puppy

The delight of your new puppy is probably going to last a few weeks, maybe four if you are lucky. When 12 weeks old hits, and you will feel a slam, the Delight is going to demonstrate ungrateful, obnoxious traits.


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