Play Health Check

by | Feb 13, 2024

collie running with pleasure

When we view food or play as only a reward we fall into the mindset of “what can I get the dog to do for this”?

It would not be healthy for a dog to view any food or play as “what do I need to do to earn this?”

Instead when we look at play or food delivery as an ACTIVITY we share the same mindset as the dog: is there pleasure to be experienced? Will they enjoy this? Does the food give them pleasure by the taste or the activity of us delivering breakfast in bed, or perhaps a chase down or a short search? Or does food just stop them feeling hungry?

Does tossing that toy or making it grunt and squeak or seeing it fly in the air give them pleasure?

The dog will be seeking repetition to gain more and better rewards, more pleasure and time spent together.

We should not view these activities: games or food delivery as currency for our agenda or as a means to manipulate the dog.

The pleasure is often the interaction, the learning, the way of moving. Play or deliver food for the pleasure, not something that we just do to get something in return, but because it also gives us pleasure to enjoy this activity with the dog.

Training is something that is done TO the dog. Learning is something that happens FOR the dog.

The activities that bring connection, learning and wellness for both you and the dog, but first we may need an Activity Health check:

1. Does this activity give the dog PLEASURE ?

Is the dog is getting pleasure from this activity and what does that look like?

Do we see that pleasure change?

Be careful of assuming that pleasure is dependent on arousal. We can enjoy an activity without arousal: through learning a new way of moving and the feeling that movement elicits. This is particular pertinent to dogs that are creatures of movement not only as a language but also for pure pleasure. The activity enjoyment can be experienced through connection, being part of a team, doing something together.

Food delivery and anticipation will change through repetition as the dog become sated: not every piece will deliver the same pleasure.

Does the dog desire more and are they seeking repetitions without hesitation?

This is good evidence that the dog is experiencing pleasure and enjoyment but if we see hesitation or we need to cheer-lead the dog into repetition, then we need to listen to what we are seeing. The activity may be more pleasure for us that it is for the dog. Retrieve is an excellent example of this: the speed to go out to capture should be similar as the speed of return for more opportunities.

Is this observed pleasure always the same?

The dog may be aging, tired, getting full, need a drink or becoming stressed. Before every repetition or continuation we should be looking for changes that tells us how the dog feels: how well they are, their safety and sense security and comfort and desire for more.

Remember: it is not about making the activity fun but finding the fun in the activity.

Training is something that is done TO the dog. Learning is something that happens FOR the dog.

2. Does this activity have a clear beginning?

Do we have a sequence that tells the dog this activity is starting?

Is the information non-ambiguous: when that toy is in your hand: the activity has begun, when you go that place: the activity is on, when you say that word: you give your full attention to the activity.

Equally is the dog able to ask for that activity or does it always follow your agenda and timetable? How can they ask?

Is the dog clear about what is going to be happening?

Have you set the rules and are they clear in your own mind before you begin? Where is the boundary that stops the dog-brain overwhelming person safety? What rules stop the person-seeking-entertainment from compromising the dog’s welfare and safety?

3. Does the activity have a clear ending?

goodness me if you have a Border collies here, this is critical !

Is the dog clear about what finishing looks like?

Does this mean a clear change in your behaviour and energy level? Are there specific words or a closing down sequence?

If the dog does not know when to end what does this look like?

This is the dog that is unsure because someone has said “Aww, just one more then”.

Be clear, be consistent, be fair.

Training is something that is done TO the dog. Learning is something that happens FOR the dog.

4. Are we overstimulating?

Is there potential to change the energy levels of this activity?

Do we inadvertently ramp it up or get over excited ourselves? This can easily influence the dog and we both get carried away. In every activity there are opportunities for learning and we can develop the skills of changing our energy, calming down is a skill that needs to be practised or increasing our focal point to ignore external influences.

Could we increase the energy and arousal, is this dependant on what we do or simply the activity itself?

Will the dog naturally tire or naturally get fitter? Does the dog need additional challenges and stimulation as they become more skilled.

Energy and arousal are connected but not the same thing. Energy is closer to effort required and will reduce with fatigue or stress.
Arousal will be at different levels: some arousal may be beneficial, it may be caused by uncertainty or stress and it may go beyond the dog’s ability to control it.

Arousal, or getting frenetic or going OTT  does not equate to pleasure.

Training is something that is done TO the dog. Learning is something that happens FOR the dog.

5. Does the dog feel safe and is protected from injury?

Is this is a physically demanding activity: are we protecting our dogs from overdoing it?  

Sliding and turning badly on an unsuitable floor. Using unused muscles or undeveloped balance or proprioceptive skills. Is the dog in conflict with movement that stimulates predatory responses that can overwhelm caution: chase, leap, grab bite, body slam, kill shaking.

Do the participants trust each other and the environment?

A dog will often play with such intensity and dedication that they are unable to consider their own safety.

A person may be over aware of judgement and observation from others. This can also influence a dog that may become the prey-object of intense focus from other dogs.

 One bad experience associated with an activity can sour it for life.

Training is something that is done TO the dog. Learning is something that happens FOR the dog.

6. What learning is happening?

Person be awake, be very observant and continually asking question. Keep your head on the job.

This is Practice, learning will be happening whether we like it or not, whether we are aware of it or not.

They will be getting better, faster, more skilled: at what?

Are they learning physical ways of moving and using their bodies?

Is this beneficial for that individual?

Are they learning our cues and body language?

Have they discovered you cannot run as fast as them? Or that you wimp out when they run into you? Or that you cannot end the game?

Are they learning anticipation?

Oh gosh yes. They will be studying and remembering your movement and sequences in fine detail.

Are they learning we are very poor at this and they can beat us hands down or we are a soft touch and give up easily?

Are they learning that we demand too much, too soon or too often?

Hmmmm ….. be one step ahead

7. Does this activity stimulate predatory responses?

Are we aware of this; can we see it ?

Is this what gives the dog the greatest pleasure and does not cause us trouble in the future? Will we be able to manage the awakened predator?

If they are developing better bite skills and are we channelling this safely?

If they are developing herding skills have we planned where and how they will use this?

If they are becoming better hunters can we ensure the safety and wellbeing of potential prey?

What are the stimulus?

Knowing the stimulus for any predatory responses is key to keeping the dog safe from inappropriate application.  

Is the dog managing their predatory behaviours?

Are we able to use this activity to build control and awareness?

Dogs are predators and will find pleasure in predatory activities. It is our responsibility to ensure this is well managed and channelled appropriately.

Training is something that is done TO the dog. Learning is something that happens FOR the dog.

The process of planning and analysing the activity whether we call it Play, Training, Work or Games is key to building more understanding. We can then adapt the activity for the benefit of the dog perhaps to build a skill, build resilience or build our relationship through sharing enjoyable activities together.

No activity should be at the cost of one of the partners for the pleasure of the other. Whether this is too many retrieves, too much power in the bite and grab, energetic body slams or over exhaustion.

Not an activity where one partner puts in all the effort for the entertainment of the other.

Every one of these point to check apply equally to all activities you share with the dog. Whether you label this a game, or just play, or drill practice or shaping games. They are all activities with common elements and similar topography:

For all participants:

  • Clear understanding of what will be happening
  • A clear beginning and end to the activity.
  • Rules of engagement that encompass safety and wellness
  • A healthy range of different activities that enhance the relationship and connection.
  • A continual awareness that learning is always happening and will benefit from guidance.
Training is something that is done TO the dog. Learning is something that happens FOR the dog.



Build the Learning

Lifelong skills built in activities and play. A dog that is curious, confident, resilient with a natural enthusiasm for learning.

rewards skills

Learn about the fascinating landscape of rewards and how to make them the centre of your training and relationship.

Management or Training

Find a pathway to suit your lifestyle of living with dogs. When management temporarilly supports the learning, or choose training.

learn well
learn it once

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Key Reading

Dogs are Born To Learn

We can build tremendous learners when we get beyond the idea that “dogs are trained”.

No room for mechanics

If your ambition is to have good mechanics in communication to animals then you may find yourself blocked into a tight corner

The choice of lure

Luring teaches trainers essential skills. We learn how to use suggestion and guidance to shape behaviours. We learn how to explain dynamic movement in the cues from our hands. In combination with reinforcement, luring has without doubt, been one of the skills I value most as a trainer.

Do you see what I see

Doing better is the reward from doing the work. This work needs to be the right work at the right time with the right intent done in the right way.

Don’t Let Them Learn

Becoming aware that we share our lives with premier learners, dogs, is about saving you frustration, despair, anxiety and endless hours further down the road.

A Road to Nowhere

When familiarity is stripped away we seek recognisable signposts that will take us back to comfort and security. This is survival instinct. It is worth listening to as it keeps us alive.

A Cue or not a cue?

With thoughtful planning and a good understanding of the relevance of antecedent selection we can teach the dog the skills of sorting the wheat from the chaff, finding the bones of the exercise. This skill is critical to being able to distinguish between distractions, which are just cues for an alternative reward opportunity, and cues which signify a guarantee of success.

Location is Their Cue

We begin teaching the dog to go to a target, such as a mat or platform and in this process our focus is on the outcome – the dog can place feet on the object or settle down. But at the same time this learning is happening the dog is also noting the location: where this is happening in this room, in the house, relative to the food-machine (you).

Guidance is not dependence

Guidance can be the lightest change in contingencies, an extra antecedent. I can place a palette of different paints and brushes next to the chair. It doesn’t mean you need to paint the chair, you could sit on the chair and paint your own shoes, but just the presence of the tools would give you guidance.

The Right Bed in the Right Spot

Resting and sleeping are not necessarily the same state. Good sleep where we feel safe and comfortable is important for us all.

Top Training

Obnoxious Puppy

The delight of your new puppy is probably going to last a few weeks, maybe four if you are lucky. When 12 weeks old hits, and you will feel a slam, the Delight is going to demonstrate ungrateful, obnoxious traits.

Stop doing that ….

Can we teach an effective Cease That Behaviour? Absolutely. We can teach that positively, without harm, and we should teach them the skills of stopping that and doing this instead.

Cue Seeking

Being an active learner and seeking opportunities for more rewards

Duration or is it Breakfast in Bed?

Teaching duration has become a very muddied understanding or what it is and how to teach it. This is partly due to how we use words that are the same but have entirely different meanings.

Going Shopping

This is a joint travelling adventure. It completely resets the learning and can easily extend the reinforcement process.

Evidence of learning

When we use the words “teach” or “train” child, person or dog, the operative term implies that the process is under the ownership of the teacher or trainer. What your teacher thinks you have learned may not be what you actually learned.

Release cue or stay cue

Many of us begin with teaching sit or down, and this is one of the earliest experiences of training with reinforcement. Is the sit, or down, going to be a terminal behaviour, or a temporary position?

Not all lures contain food

“the direct use of the reinforcer to elicit the behaviour”
This should always be foremost in our mind, in that many alternatives lures are available.

Nose Target. No thanks

Nose target is a popular behaviour taught to many dogs, and other animals. It seems easy to teach and have practical application, but it is often not such a pleasant experience for all dogs. There are many other options available that give the same practical benefit, without the unpleasant extremes.

A Day of Learning

A no-training day does not mean he gets a lazy day lying idly in the sun. Learning is still happening and this is significant and important for his development.


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