Nika and the Garden

by | Learning with Nika

My poor delphiniums! Not my dahlia! Oh, I loved that viburnum! Nika, stop eating my coreopsis!

The Garden of Earthly Delights? It sure is for Nika.

  • An archaeological dig site that has transformed the lawn into a health and safety hazard
  • A racetrack around the camellia bush where nothing is allowed to grow
  • Recently watered flowers providing mud to dig in
  • The hebe for rolling on when one is covered in mud (see above)
  • Newly planted shrubs, perfect for playing tug with: dog v. the grip of the earth
  • Twigs and branches to be found in every corner and transported into the house for “swaps”
  • A walking tour with the cat who takes her time deciding where to toilet
  • Staring matches with the local pigeons
  • The hose tap which, if you lick it forlornly enough for long enough, will be turned on by humans despite the multiple bowls of water available with cool, fresh beverages
  • The swing chair where you can climb atop a reading human and their book for some vestibular thrills
  • A circuit around which one can dance with one’s toys in the hopes that someone is watching from the window
  • Flowerpots galore, fresh from the nursery, perfect for shredding; contents a bonus

More Lord of the Flies than The Flower Fairies, I’m afraid.

She Learned That?

As the breeze of adolescence gently rustles through the house, we have come to understand how much inadvertent, self-propelled learning has occurred in the garden, and how much a den of iniquity that place is for a young dog.

“Can I say ‘I told you so?’”

It would be remiss of you not to.

The opportunities for indulging in the kinds of things that are prevented indoors by careful management.

A world without much guidance, save for the walls that would probably soon become scalable.

A teenager in a world of their own with the equivalent of fast cars, an unlimited credit card, and an audience of an admiring older brother who sometimes acts as an enabler.

Would it be fair on her to allow her to continue running wild, testing fences and walls, possibly getting more pushy with the local wildlife?

Time to start braking gently.

Fencing panels or hurdles strong enough to manage sheep
flexible enough to manage collie. 

Management Matters

Afternoons in a limited area marked by fences. Full of toys, good canine and human company, home comforts, and opportunities for heading indoors if the mood strikes. An observation station to watch the world go by (and to scowl at the local pigeons).

Placed on concrete to avoid tunnelling. Covered in chicken wire to prevent squeezing through. Bars on the outside to deter climbing over. From a human perspective, a maximum security facility, but for the dogs, once introduced carefully, a multisensory 3D cinema showing all of the latest blockbusters.

And a rather nice place to sit with them in the morning as they lie on the step and sniff the breeze (it just smells of coffee to me).

Supervised play in the garden at large, using the rewards so cherished (well, not all of them…my poor hebe) as opportunites for connection. “Oh what a lovely twig” echoing through the village as I applaud her circuits with her latest find.

The garden may be an adventure playground, but at the moment, one needs a ticket for admission.

“I Told You So”

I didn’t see it coming until I saw it coming. But there it is.

There are creeping buttercups taking over the soil where I’ve lovingly planted so many beautiful flowers. A deep network of runners allowing it to spread quickly throughout the entire garden, imperceptible until it’s almost ready to blossom, and impossible to fully uproot.

I analogise it to the unintended learning I’ve helped to sustain: unseen until it becomes an interference with design; resilient and persistent. Suppression wouldn’t and shouldn’t be an option, and there are places where it can continue to flourish, but management will be needed to prevent it taking over.

As we move through adolescence to adulthood, I’ll no doubt become increasingly aware of what has been flourishing beneath the surface. Much of it will be wondrous, I hope, but much of it will need support…
As will I.

Along with the occasional “I told you so.”

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Key Skills
Life with Dogs
Every Dog Every Day
Teaching With Reinforcement
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Don’t Let Them Learn

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Building A Generous Future

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Obnoxious Puppy

The delight of your new puppy is probably going to last a few weeks, maybe four if you are lucky. When 12 weeks old hits, and you will feel a slam, the Delight is going to demonstrate ungrateful, obnoxious traits.

It’s Not Training

A carefully planned learning pathway, paced to suit that particular learner for their life ahead.

Be-toothed Learning Machines

The thing they don’t tell you is that raising a puppy is DANGED HARD WORK. Biting everything, peeing everywhere, eating anything; not for the faint hearted.

Dogs are Born To Learn

We can build tremendous learners when we get beyond the idea that “dogs are trained”.

The Experienced Dog

Knowing your dog has receive sufficient preparation does not mean every eventuality, but a range of different conditions so that when the unexpected happens they will draw on their skills and solve the issue.

A Road to Nowhere

When familiarity is stripped away we seek recognisable signposts that will take us back to comfort and security. This is survival instinct. It is worth listening to as it keeps us alive.

A New Puppy. Oh Joy.

Impulse buying the wrong sofa can be rectified if you swallow the expense. Impulse buying a puppy can result in personal grief for you and your family and quite possibly result in a very unhappy future or end the life of that puppy.

A Day of Learning

A no-training day does not mean he gets a lazy day lying idly in the sun. Learning is still happening and this is significant and important for his development.

No room for mechanics

If your ambition is to have good mechanics in communication to animals then you may find yourself blocked into a tight corner

Nose Target. No thanks

Nose target is a popular behaviour taught to many dogs, and other animals. It seems easy to teach and have practical application, but it is often not such a pleasant experience for all dogs. There are many other options available that give the same practical benefit, without the unpleasant extremes.

Fast does not mean better

We are becoming surrounded by a culture of fast. We are being sold that immediate gratification is the only solution.

Evidence of learning

When we use the words “teach” or “train” child, person or dog, the operative term implies that the process is under the ownership of the teacher or trainer. What your teacher thinks you have learned may not be what you actually learned.

One dog watching

The other dog working
or ….how to train the spectators to quietly rest and watch whilst you work, play, teach a single member of the group

Duration: sustaining movement

Continuing and maintaining a specific movement

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