Positive connection is the process of growing together on the basis of mutual respect for each other’s needs. It develops through listening to each other, social interaction, clear communication and common experiences and learning.
For me, connection is a dynamic product
of three ingredients:
an emotional bond, memory
and mental focus.
The first two components lay the strong foundation, whereas the third one can be switched on and off, depending on the situation.
However, connection doesn’t necessarily need to be positive. It can be neutral or even negative. As soon as an individual interacts in a specific way with another individual’s environment, causing a specific, repeated response, there is already a connection between the two of them.
Since connection is a dynamic quantity, it can change with varying parameters and time, Such variables can affect the three components – emotion, memory and mental focus significantly.
But we’d better reconsider the connection with our dogs in advance. Everyday life makes it evident too often, that emotions cannot be transformed completely and memories cannot be erased, no matter how elegant we counter condition. Even if some people tend to measure connection mainly by its most visible component alone – the mental focus, in my opinion, it is much more far-reaching than a temporary synchronicity of minds during sports, work or leisure activities.”
“Positive connection is the process of growing together on the basis of mutual respect”
I think this is so true in a teacher/student relationship.
“Everyday life makes it evident too often, that emotions cannot be transformed completely and memories cannot be erased”
I believe this is also very sad but very true, memories can shape a lifetime of triggered emotions.